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  • 紧急联系人英文,进击的巨人地图,进击的巨人贴吧

    1. 紧急联系人英文(Emergency Contact Person)

    As the name implies, an emergency contact person is someone to contact in case of an emergency. It can be a family member, friend, or coworker who is responsible for providing assistance or making decisions on your behalf if you are unable to do so yourself. Here are some things to consider when choosing an emergency contact person:

    – Choose someone who is reliable and trustworthy
    – Make sure they have your up-to-date contact information and medical history
    – Discuss your wishes and preferences for medical treatment or end-of-life care with them
    – Consider choosing a backup contact person in case the first is unavailable

    2. 进击巨人地图(Attack on Titan Map)

    The Attack on Titan map is a detailed representation of the world in which the popular anime and manga series takes place. It shows the layout of the walls that protect humanity from giant humanoid creatures called Titans, as well as the various cities and locations that the characters visit throughout the story.

    The map is an essential tool for fans of the series, as it helps to visualize the geography and understand the strategic importance of various locations. Some of the features depicted on the map include:

    – The three walls: Wall Maria, Wall Rose, and Wall Sina
    – The various districts within the walls, such as Trost District and Stohess District
    – The Titan Forest and other areas outside the walls where Titans roam

    3. 进击的巨人贴吧(Attack on Titan Baidu Tieba)

    Attack on Titan Baidu Tieba, also known as the Attack on Titan Forum, is a popular online community for fans of the Attack on Titan series. It is hosted on the Chinese social media platform Baidu and features discussions, fan art, fan fiction, and other content related to the franchise.

    The forum has a large and active following, with thousands of members posting and commenting on topics related to the series. Some of the most popular threads on the forum include:

    – The latest news and updates about the anime and manga
    – Reviews and analysis of episodes and chapters
    – Fan art showcases 自然风景人物
    and contests
    – Discussion of fan theories and speculation about the series’ story and characters

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